News & Publications
Latest news and scientific publications about FDNA

Yale Researchers Pioneer AI-Driven Marfan Syndrome Diagnosis
TechnopediaRead moreFDNA and Genome Medical Improve Access to Critical Diagnostic Services for Children in Medically Underserved Areas
PRESS RELEASERead moreAI and Facial Recognition Dive Into Global Health Care
Think Global HealthRead moreRedefining Rare Disease Care in the Digital Age: Insights and Key Takeaways from a Digital Health Symposium Focused on Empowering Rare Disease Communities
Biomedicine HubRead moreAsí es la tecnología que diagnostica enfermedades genéticas a partir de una foto
ABC NewsRead moreHow AI and Facial Recognition Could Spot Stroke and Other Diseases
Wall Street JournalRead moreCómo la IA y el reconocimiento facial podrían detectar embolias u otros problemas
Axis NegóciosRead moreIA e reconhecimento facial detectam derrame e outras doenças; entenda
Olhar DigitalRead more
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