Dystonia is a condition whose primary feature is a tendency for the muscles of different parts of the body to contract involuntarily. This may cause slow, repetitive movements, abnormal posture, or tremors. These movements may be painful. There are three main types of dystonia: focal dystonia (affecting only one part of the body), segmental dystonia (affecting two or more parts adjacent to each other), or general dystonia (your whole body). The different forms of dystonia affect one muscle, certain muscle groups, or the muscles of the entire body. Dystonia can be genetic but in most cases the cause is not known. Dystonia has no cure, but it can be medicated to improve its symptoms. Sometimes surgery may be indicated, to regulate or disable the specific nerves or brain regions that cause very severe dystonia. What are some of the symptoms of dystonia? Since dystonia can affect multiple body parts, symptoms may vary, but could include: Foot cramps, or a tendency for one foot to turn and drag. This may happen once in a while, or when the muscles tire after a long run or walk. Handwriting that becomes messier and harder to read after several lines are written. An involuntary turning or pulling of the neck, especially when under stress or fatigued. Rapid, uncontrollable blinking, or eye spasms that close the eyes. Tremors. Speaking with difficulty. Initially, the symptoms may be mild and hardly noticeable unless the affected person is very tired, stressed, or has exerted themselves for a long time. With time, symptoms may progress and become more noticeable, but they may remain just the same. Sometimes dystonia may affect just one action, while other actions using the same muscles are unaffected. For example, a cyclist may experience dystonia when riding a bicycle, but not when jogging or walking.