What is Anosmia, Isolated Congenital (ANIC)?
Patients had reported congenital anosmia, often associated with other features but in all cases, other features were independent traits. Autosomal dominant inheritance is present in most cases, as well as male-to-male transmission. All patients had only congenital anosmia.
Syndrome Synonyms
Anosmia – Familial Anosmia, Congenital
What gene change causes Anosmia, Isolated Congenital?
Haplotype analysis showed that all affected individuals shared a common haplotype in the 18p11.23-q12.2 region, but up to date (2024), no gene has been established.
What are the main symptoms of Anosmia, Isolated Congenital?
Possible clinical traits/features
Autosomal dominant inheritance, Anosmia
How is Anosmia, Isolated Congenital diagnosed?
To find out if someone has a diagnosis of [Anosmia, Isolated Congenital, it is important to have a consultation and evaluation with a clinical genetic specialist. Specialists may also suggest specific genetic testing or other types of tests to help reach a diagnosis. FDNA’s AI technology can help speed up the diagnostic process by analyzing facial features and other health information.
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