Human Stories of AI: A Second Opinion

November 15, 2018

All Turtles

“Healthcare is a field that has, in many ways, already embraced AI—medical researchers seem to be developing new AI applications every day. In this episode, we zoom in on one doctor and the stories of two of her cases. Dr. March is a dysmorphologist, a physician who studies birth defects. With two of her recent patients, she was able to use an AI tool called Face2Gene in her diagnostic process, a process that changed her patients’ lives.”


The video “Human Stories of AI: A Second Opinion” delves into the transformative impact of FDNA’s AI technology on medical diagnostics. It showcases real-life stories where FDNA’s Face2Gene platform has provided critical second opinions for diagnosing genetic disorders. By analyzing facial features with advanced AI decision support tools, Face2Gene identifies phenotypic markers indicative of genetic conditions, often missed by traditional methods. The video highlights the profound influence of FDNA’s technology in offering accurate and timely diagnoses, leading to personalized treatment plans and improved patient outcomes. Through personal testimonials, the video highlights the potential of AI to revolutionize healthcare by enhancing diagnostic precision and patient care.



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