Genetic Specialists
Elevate patient assessment using Next-Generation Phenotyping and patient egagement resources tailored for genetic specialists.
The next step in genetic analysis
Discover Our Tools for Genetic Specialists

Face2Gene Suite of Apps
Face2Gene is a cutting-edge software tailored to geneticists, harnessing artificial intelligence to streamline genetic diagnostics. It offers advanced phenotypic analysis tools, aiding in pattern recognition and genotype-phenotype correlations for precise diagnoses of rare diseases and syndromes.

Patient Engagement for Geneticists
Boost patient engagement by streamlining patient intake and data capture, optimizing resource use, and empowering geneticists with AI tools. Reduce wait times, assist more patients & families, and accelerate the review of complex cases, by prioritizing comprehensive data collection and efficiency.
Empowering Parents, Providers, & Pharma Companies
Closing the Gap Between Concerned Parents, Health Service Providers, Pharma, & CROs