Timing is critical for rare diseases. The time patients wait for a diagnosis. The time a clinician spends searching for answers. The time it takes to develop new treatments. What if we could speed that up? We could save lives. We could improve the quality of life for millions of people. That’s what we want to do in 2017, the Year of Discovery.


Can we count on your help?


Next Steps

Healthcare Providers: Register or login to Face2Gene and upload cases, past or current, so the non-personally identifiable information will train the system to recognize new phenotypes, facial characteristics and genes.

Patients & Parents: Ask your doctor to upload your case to Face2Gene.

Other Advocates: Share the Year of Discovery with your network and on social media.


How It Works

Every patient has their own story; their own journey, their own symptoms, their own genes. Technology now exists to learn from those stories to help recognize these syndromes and find answers faster. Face2Gene is that technology and we are devoted to using it to find these answers. Each month from March through December, we will partner with a different advocacy group, labs, and clinicians to focus on particular types of rare diseases. We will be telling those stories, raising awareness, and driving donations while helping teach Face2Gene to make new discoveries that will help future generations.

Every case and every story is important. Every time a patient’s case is analyzed by Face2Gene, the non-personally identifiable information will train the system to recognize new phenotypes, facial characteristics, and genes. This information will increase awareness and understanding of rare diseases that will have a tangible impact on the future. Our goal, with your help, is to fully understand all rare diseases.

Follow Year of Discovery News and Updates at FDNA Blog.